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Your choice between virtual 1:1 Zoom video sessions or email coaching.

“Everything you’ve said has totally opened up my spirit again, when I signed up for this I didn’t know what to expect because I feel like everyone has a “message” but YOU are different God truly speaks through you to the heart of people. You cleared the fog for me.”



You were fearfully and wonderfully made by the hand of the Almighty. You were made to prosper, flourish, and become all that you dream to be. When we learn to utilize our I AM awareness to consciously shift through the infinite dreams of God, we are reborn as limitless beings. Anything and everything is available to you in an instant when you are one with the divinity you already are.

Existence without limitations is your birthright.

“Your ability to simultaneously hold space for us AND coach us in areas I've seen no one else marry in the online space is EXACTLY WHY saying yes to your work and this container is one of the clearest full body fuck yeses I have in my life to point to!

Thank you for being a DEEP breath of fresh air in the coaching space. You stand out. Your work stands out. Like, heads and hair flips above what's out there. Seriously. I've been telling EVERYBODY about you and your work because I truly believe it's THAT important.”



If you have not taken TESSERACT, I highly recommend doing so before booking, as this will give you greater context for my teachings and allow us to dive deeper faster.

“Rose is incredible at helping you dig deep into your heart to uncover what's holding you back and what you truly want to do. She seems to know exactly what you need at the exact moment. It's magical.” 



“Work with this goddess as soon as you can because she will absolutely help you to shift your relationship with not only money but also with yourself.”

— Stacey F.

“Rose is such a force. Her positivity, belief, and joy is infectious. Just spending time with her will change your perspective and expand your life. She has such a wonderful way of seeing through to the core of things and phrasing it in a way that blows your mind with her wisdom and accuracy.”

— Laura F.

“We hit GOLD with Rose in under 10 minutes. We were trying to throw more money at her before we were halfway through our call. Her work is just as excellent as her messaging and copy (which is 🔥). Highly recommend booking with her when her calendar opens up again!”

— Sascha S.

“Rose opened up new ideas around wealth and my relationship with money and my mind was blown! It's like the money gods listened in HARD as almost immediately money started flowing in. Ever since working together, I have a new relationship with money flow and it continues to serve me well. I highly recommend working with Rose - she's pure magic!” 

— Gabrielle G.